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Good Notes=Good Outlines; Good Outlines=Good Grades; Good Grades=Good Jobs

Chicago, IL, November 2, 2009—  Law school classrooms are filled with anxious, sleep-deprived, cash-strapped law students who are struggling to secure scarce summer associate positions, student loans, etc. while simultaneously putting in long hours learning the substantive law.  LegallyNoted.com was created by a frustrated law student who believes that law students need a more efficient way of balancing life and law school. Creator and founder, Gianna Scatchell, 2009 alumni of the John Marshall Law School in Chicago has offered just that through www.LegallyNoted.com.

LegallyNoted.com acts like a 24-hour virtual study group by providing active law students with an innovative platform to share class notes, briefs, outlines, and class strategies. These study materials are categorized by law school, class, and professor making it extremely user-friendly.   LegallyNoted.com believes that its service can enhance a student’s legal education by offering diverse types and style of notes, outlines, and study tips.

Registration is free and there are no commitments or membership fees. While members can simply download notes from LegallyNoted.com without submitting anything of their own, adding to the community is what contributes to LegallyNoted.com’s success.   Therefore, we encourage active submission of personally prepared items for the benefit all our members.

Other unique member benefits include the ability to:

  • Store notes electronically on LegallyNoted.com’s password protected pages;
  • Sell notes through LegallyNoted.com’s PayPal integration;
  • Create an easily-accessible and cost-free online group website for law school organizations to make class outlines available to all its members;
  • Interact with other students about various law school issues;
  • Earn reward points redeemable for prizes—Coming soon;
  • And much, much more!

LegallyNoted.com is ideal for students who feel like a court reporter taking down every last word from the professor; can no longer can afford the expensive and generic commercial study aids; or simply cannot make it to class.  However, LegallyNoted.com does not promote laziness and was not created to be a substitute for taking individual notes.  In fact, the core of LegallyNoted.com promotes personally responsibility in preparing notes and outlines, while at the same time offering a forum for everyone to share their success.  Ultimately, LegallyNoted.com was designed to alleviate some of the daily stresses associated with the time consuming law school workload to allow for a more productive educational experience.

For more information about LegallyNoted.com or for advertising opportunities, e-mail customerservice@legallynoted.com.


Stories, news, commentary, information and links on this blog are provided for informational and entertainment purposes only!!   We make no claim as to the comprehensiveness or accuracy of the information. It is not offered for the purpose of providing individualized legal advice. Use of Legallynoted.com or Lawction.org does not create an attorney-client or any other relationship between the user and LAWction Inc. or LegallyNoted.com. The items and external hyperlinks posted on this blog reflect various viewpoints of its contributing authors, not necessarily reflecting the views of  LAWction Inc. or LegallyNoted.com.

1 Response to About

  1. Hi, nice to meet you !

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